Time To Take for Amazon to Respond to an Appeal

Posted on June 24th, 2021

Time Taken for Amazon to Respond to an Appeal

Amazon has been a constant talk of the town since it entered the e-commerce sector. Close to two-thirds of the US population tends to start their new product searches on Amazon. Within a short span of time, the buy-sell conglomerate has made an incredible impact amongst its users.

But what’s on the other side?

The dynamics flow into a different stream when it comes to the sellers who aspire to do online business. The integrated Amazon Business platform facilitates individuals to set up their online marketplace. It also enables the user to start selling their products with ease.

Many a time, brands find themselves in situations where their accounts are notified of suspensions by the Amazon authorities. It is highly imperative to make the right decisions for pursuing your suspension cases at such a stage. This is where amazon appeals play a role. The Amazon appeal process equips you to challenge the suspension applications and prove your case.

Amazon Appeal Process

How Long Does it Take for Amazon to Respond to an Appeal

Whenever the dedicated teams at Amazon find something fishy with your Business account, they exercise their right to suspend your platform access. This also happens when Amazon suspects an illegal practice taking place at your virtual marketplace.

With the increasing number of Amazon platform’s customer base and the ratio of accounts who genuinely indulge in unfair practices, there are chances of incorrect suspensions. Suspending your account for the wrong reasons can be challenged with the Amazon appeal process.

The correction process set by Amazon requires two documents in particular- Appeal and Plan of Action. With bundles of appeals sliding towards the Amazon Business management, the company has further tightened its evaluation process. This has made room for correct, concise, and to-the-point appeals, which Amazon considers.

Apart from the business suspension appeals, Amazon also extends Amazon termination appeals and Amazon employee appeals. These revolve around the employee terms and stay in the company. If an employee is fired from Amazon, he holds the right to appeal and asks for a reconsideration of his case. The Amazon termination appeals involve a hearing of the case and then making a decision. How long does the amazon employee appeal take depends on the reason for termination.

Reviews By Amazon Seller Performance

A concrete appeal and a sound Plan Of Action(POA) are essential to reinstate your Amazon Business account. Drafting bespoke appeals make sure that your application is considered and your business is resumed. Failing to do so can result in permanent suspension of your accounts.

Clearly drafted appeals hold the capability to reinstate your accounts in less than 24 hours, while inconsistent appeals and POAs may take up to weeks. You can send across your appeal and the plan of action through Seller Central or via email. Depending upon the reason for suspension, past records of your accounts, and the documents submitted- your account is reviewed. This can take several days.

Amazon Not Responding to Appeal

In dealing with your suspension cases, there are times when you do not get any response to your appeals. While you wait for Amazon to respond, you meanwhile halt your online business and lose your customers. This can be a difficult situation with a potential risk of losing your traction altogether.

Reasoning to the number of appeals standing to be reviewed, Amazon often finds it tough to get back to the applicants early. It is vital to escalate your concerns to Amazon Health Services and enquire about your appeal status.

Amazon Appeal Experts

Amazon to Respond to an Appeal

The adept Amazon appeal experts hold immense experience in dealing with such cases. These experts have knowledge about the nitty-gritty of the appeals. A dedicated Amazon appeal expert can ensure that your appeal is drafted in the right direction. This is important for getting your suspended account reinstated.

Your plan of action follows an appeal. This is the proof you show about how you plan to do business while moving forward. If the Amazon team approves your plan of action, your account is then resumed.

Wondering how long does Amazon’s suspension last?

Depending on the appeal, plan of action submitted, and the reason mentioned in the suspension notice– these determine your time period. If you think that now with your Amazon account suspended, how to open a new open? This is not the way to move forward. One cannot make a new account until the previous account is reinstated.

Reach out to Amazon Appeal Pro right now to solve your Amazon suspension issues. You can call us at (954) 302-0900.

Request a Free Consultation

Need help with your appeal and plan of action? Look no further

Amazon Appeal Pro is right here to provide you with the required appeal, which is certain to get your account back. Our user-friendly platform lies at the intersection of convenience, reliability, and trust.

Get in touch today at (954) 302-0900, and we will be happy to help!


1. How long does it usually take for Amazon to respond to an appeal?

A. The typical response time for Amazon to address an appeal can range from 24 to 48 hours. However, it can sometimes take longer depending on the complexity of the case and the current volume of appeals.

2. What factors influence Amazon’s response time to an appeal?

A. Several factors can affect the response time, including the complexity of the issue, the completeness of the submitted documentation, and the current volume of appeals Amazon is handling.

3. Is there a way to check the status of my Amazon appeal?

A. Yes, you can check the status of your appeal through the Case Log on Amazon Seller Central. This feature allows you to track any updates or responses regarding your case.

4. How will I be notified of Amazon’s response to my appeal?

A. You will receive an email notification from Amazon regarding the outcome of your appeal. Additionally, you can check the message center on your Amazon Seller Central account for any updates.

5. Can I expedite the appeal process on Amazon?

A. While you cannot directly expedite the process, providing a clear, concise, and well-documented appeal can help ensure a quicker response. Double-checking that all necessary information is included can prevent delays.

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